Infinitive নয়, gerund যেখানে ব্যবহৃত হওয়া উচিৎ :
(a) Preposition বা Preposition phrase-এর পরে :
- Without (ব্যতীত/ছাড়া), etc., + ing
Don’t say: Do your work without to speak.
Say: Do your work without speaking.
- Instead of (পরিবর্তে/বদলে)etc., + ing
Don’t say: He went away instead to wait.
Say: He went away instead of waiting.
(b) যে সকল word নিয়মিতভাবে preposition গ্রহণ করে তাদের পরে :
- Capable of (সামর্থবান/ ক্ষমতা বিশিষ্ট) + ing
Don’t say: He is quite capable to do that.
Say: He is quite capable of doing that.
Incapable (অক্ষম/ সামর্থহীন)’-এর পরেও ‘of’ বসে, তবে ‘able’ বা ‘unable’-এর পরে infinitive বসে :
যেমন- ‘He is unable to do anything. ‘
79.Fond of (পছন্দ করা/ আসক্ত হওয়া) + ing
Don’t say : She is always fond to talk.
Say: She is always fond of talking.
- Insist on (স্বনির্বন্ধ বলা/ জিদ করা) + ing
Don’t say : He insisted to go to London.
Say: He insisted on going to London.
81.Object to (আপত্তি করা) + -ing-
Don’t say: I object to be treated like this.
Say: I object to being treated like this.
82.Prevent from (বিরত থাকা/ নিবৃত্ত করা) + ing
Don’t say: The rain prevented me to go.
Say: The rain prevented me from going.
83.Succeed in (কৃতকার্য/ সফল হওয়া) + -ing
Don’t say: He succeeded to gain the prize.
Say: He succeeded in gaining the prize.
84.Think of (বিবেচনা করা/ ভাবা) + ing
Don’t say: I often think to go to England.
Say: I often think of going to England.
- Tired of (ক্লান্ত) + -ing
Don’t say: The customer grew tired to wait.
Say: The customer grew tired of waiting.
86.Used to (অভ্যস্ত) + -ing
Don’t say: She is used to get up early.
Say: She is used to getting up early.
(c) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু verb-এর পরে :
87.Avoid (এড়িয়ে চলা/ পরিহার করা) + ing
Don’t say: You can’t avoid to make mistakes.
Say: You can’t avoid making mistakes.
‘Can’t help’ (= can’t avoid) এর পরেও gerund বসে :
যেমন ‘I can’t help laughing.