88.Enjoy (উপভোগ/ আনন্দ লাভ করা) +-ing
Don’t say: I enjoy to play a game of football.
Say: I enjoy playing a game of football.
‘Like (পছন্দ করা)’ বা ‘dislike (অপছন্দ করা)’ এই verb দুটির পরে infinitive বা gerund বসতে পারে : যেমন- ‘He likes reading English books,’অথবা ‘He likes to read English books.’
‘Like (পছন্দ করা)’ বা ‘dislike (অপছন্দ করা)’ এই verb দুটির পরে infinitive বা gerund বসতে পারে : যেমন- ‘He likes reading English books,’অথবা ‘He likes to read English books.’
89.Excuse (ক্ষমা করা) + -ing
Don’t say: Please excuse me to be so late.
Say: Please excuse my being so late.
or : Please excuse me for being so late.
or : Please excuse me for being so late.
90.Finish (শেষ/ সম্পূর্ণ করা) + ing
Don’t say: Have you not finished to speak?
Don’t say: Have you not finished to speak?
Say: Have you not finished speaking?
Begin (আরম্ভ/ শুরু করা)’ verb-টির পরে infinitive বা gerund বসতে পারে
যেমন’She began to speak.’ বা ‘She began speaking.’
91.Go on (অবিরত/ চলতে থাকা) + ing
Don’t say: The music went on to play all day.
Say: The music went on playing all days.
‘Keep on (থাকা)’-এর পরেও gerund বসে : যেমন- ‘She kept on playing the piano.’
Begin (আরম্ভ/ শুরু করা)’ verb-টির পরে infinitive বা gerund বসতে পারে
যেমন’She began to speak.’ বা ‘She began speaking.’
91.Go on (অবিরত/ চলতে থাকা) + ing
Don’t say: The music went on to play all day.
Say: The music went on playing all days.
‘Keep on (থাকা)’-এর পরেও gerund বসে : যেমন- ‘She kept on playing the piano.’
92.Mind (আপত্তি করা/ কিছু মনে করা) + ing
Don’t say: Would you mind to open the door?? ball
Say: Would you mind opening the door?
93.Practice (অনুশীলন/ চর্চা করা) + ing
Don’t say: You must practice to speak English.
Say: You must practice speaking English.
94.Remember (মনে/ স্মরণ করা/ রাখা) + ing
Don’t say: I do not remember to have seen him.
Say I do not remember seeing him.
or : I do not remember having seen him.
95.Risk (ঝুঁকি গ্রহণ করা) + ing
Don’t say: We couldn’t risk to leave him alone. Unoff
Say: We couldn’t risk leaving him alone.
96.Stop (থামিয়ে দেয়া/ ব্যাহত করা) + -ing
Don’t say: The wind has almost stopped to blow.
Say: The wind has almost stopped blowing.
‘Give up (পরিত্যাগ করা)’-এর পরেও gerund বসে : যেমন- ‘He gave up smoking.”
(d) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু Adjective-এর পরে :
97.Busy (ব্যস্ত) + -ing
Don’t say : He was busy to prepare his lessons.
Say: He was busy preparing his lessons.
98.Worth (বিশেষ মূল্য বিশিষ্ট) + ing
Don’t say: Is today’s film worth to see?
Say: Is today’s film worth seeing?
(e) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু phrase-এর পরে :
(d) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু Adjective-এর পরে :
97.Busy (ব্যস্ত) + -ing
Don’t say : He was busy to prepare his lessons.
Say: He was busy preparing his lessons.
98.Worth (বিশেষ মূল্য বিশিষ্ট) + ing
Don’t say: Is today’s film worth to see?
Say: Is today’s film worth seeing?
(e) সুনির্দিষ্ট কিছু phrase-এর পরে :
99.Have difficulty in (সমস্যা/ অসুবিধা থাকা) + ing
Don’t say: He has no difficulty to do it.
Say: He has no difficulty in doing it.
100.Have the pleasure of (আনন্দ থাকা/ হওয়া) + ing
Don’t say: I had the pleasure to meet him.
Say: I had the pleasure of meeting him.
Take pleasure in (আনন্দ পাওয়া)’-এর পরেও gerund বসে :
যেমন-He takes great pleasure in helping the poor.’
101.It’s no use (মূল্য নেই/লাভ নেই)+ -ing
101.It’s no use (মূল্য নেই/লাভ নেই)+ -ing
Don’t say: It’s no use to cry like a baby.
Say: It’s no use crying like a baby.
Say: It’s no use crying like a baby.
102.It’s no good (কাজে না লাগে/মানে না থাকা) + ing
Don’t say: It’s no good to get angry at once.
Say: It’s no good getting angry at once.
103.Look forward to (প্রতিক্ষা/ আশা করা) + ing
Don’t say: I look forward to see him now.
Say: I look forward to seeing him now.
104.There is no harm in (কোন দোষের নয়) + ing
Don’t say: There’s no harm in visit him now.
Say: There’s no harm in visiting him now.
Don’t say: I look forward to see him now.
Say: I look forward to seeing him now.
104.There is no harm in (কোন দোষের নয়) + ing
Don’t say: There’s no harm in visit him now.
Say: There’s no harm in visiting him now.